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My Journey to Coaching

Life has a way of surprising us, doesn’t it? My path to becoming an Executive Life Coach wasn’t exactly a straight line. With degrees in Electrical Engineering and Development Management, I was set for a promising corporate career. But in 2008, life threw me a curveball that changed everything.

I hit rock bottom personally, facing a crisis that shook me to my core. It was terrifying, but looking back, it was also the best thing that could have happened to me. This experience became the catalyst for my coaching career, igniting a passion for helping others overcome their challenges.

Determined to transform my life, I dove headfirst into personal development. I became a certified NLP practitioner, investing over 2 million pesos in honing my skills. It wasn’t just about healing myself anymore; I discovered a calling to guide others through their own storms.

That’s how Winning Coaching was born. For over 16 years now, I’ve had the privilege of helping thousands find their way – from C-suite executives navigating complex decisions to individuals battling personal demons. My approach blends analytical thinking with heart-centered coaching, and it’s been incredible to see the transformations unfold.

Beyond Coaching - Making a Broader Impact

As my coaching practice grew, so did my desire to make a wider impact. I’ve authored four books, including “You Can Be Happy Again – Breakthrough Tips from a Life Coach.”

I’m also proud to be a Subject Matter Expert for the IMMAP-Ateneo Certified Digital Marketer Program, developing e-commerce and e-ethics modules.

My corporate influence has expanded, too. As a consultant and trainer, I’ve worked with top companies like Toyota, BPI, Jollibee, and even government organizations.

But it’s not all business – in 2010, I launched, an online registration platform for race enthusiasts. It’s just one way I try to merge my passions with practical solutions.

Mental health is another cause close to my heart. I lead a team of Life Coaches, bringing wellness to the workplace through various initiatives. And when disaster struck with Typhoon Ondoy in 2009, I created the first online volunteer disaster response database, It’s all part of my belief in using our skills to make a real difference.

Faith plays a big role in my life, too. As Pastoral Ministry Head at The Feast, a Catholic Community led by Bro. Bo Sanchez, I strive to embody the values I teach. And if you’re curious about my latest thoughts, you can catch my Facebook vlog, “Quesst: Search for Your Best.”

At the end of the day, I’m just a guy trying to make a positive impact. My wife, Coach Rezza, and our seven rescued cats keep me grounded at our home in Taguig. Life’s journey has taught me that our challenges can become our greatest strengths. That’s the message I hope to share with everyone I meet – in coaching, in business, and in life.